N.B.K.R. IST(Autonomous)



Affiliated to JNTUA,Ananthapuramu, NAAC Accreditation with 'A' Grade, Accredited by NBA,"A"Grade Engineering College Recognized by AP Govt



II B.Tech I-Semester(R-23)Regular End-Examinations Timetable-December-2024

II B.Tech I-Semester(R-20) supply and III & IV B.Tech.I-Semester Regular & Supplementary(R-20) Revised End-Examinations Timetable-December-2024

II B.Tech I-Sem(R-23)Regular End-Examinations Fee Notification-November-2024

I,II,III&IV B.Tech I-SEM Supple(R-17)End-Examinations Timetable-November-2024
I,II,III&IV B.Tech I-SEM(R-19)Supple End-Examinations Timetable-November-2024

III and IV B.Tech.I-Semester II-Mid-Term Examinations Timetable-November-2024
II-B.Tech.I-Semester II-Mid-Term Examinations Timetable-November-2024

II B.Tech I-Sem(R-20) Supple and III & IV B.Tech.I-Sem(R-20) Regular & supple End-Examinations Fee Notification-November-2024

I,II,III and IV B.Tech.I-Semester(R-17 & R-19)Supple End-Examinations Fee Notification-November-2024

I B.Tech.I-Semester(R-23)I-Mid-Term Revised Examinations Timetable-October-2024

M.Tech.Project Viva-voce-Fee Notification-October-2024

II B.Tech.I-Semester(R-23)I-Mid-Term Examinations Timetable-September-2024


I B.Tech I-SEM(R-23)Supple End Examinations Timetable-July-2024
I,II,III & IV B.Tech I-SEM(R-20)Supple End Examinations Timetable-July-2024
I,II,III & IV B.Tech I-SEM(R-19)Supple End Examinations Timetable-July-2024

I B.Tech I-SEM(R-23)Supple Fee Notification-July-2024
I,II,III & IV B.Tech I-SEM(R-20)Supple Fee Notification-July-2024
I,II,III & IV B.Tech I-SEM(R-19)Supple Fee Notification-July-2024

I B.Tech II-SEM(R-23)Regular End Examinations Timetable-June-2024
I B.Tech II-SEM(R-20)Supple End Examinations Timetable-June-2024
I,II,III & IV B.Tech II-SEM(R-19)Supple End Examinations Timetable-June-2024

Note: For III and IV B.Tech II SEM (R-19)End Examinations starts @ 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

I B.Tech II-SEM(R-23 Regular & R-20 Supple)and I,II,III & IV B.Tech.II Sem(R-19)Supple Fee Notification-June-2024

II& III B.Tech.II Sem Regular and Supple.(R-20)Examinations Timetable-June-2024
I B.Tech.II Sem(R-23)II-Mid Examinations Timetable-June-2024

II& III B.Tech.II Sem Regular and Supple.(R-20)Examinations Fee Notification-May-2024
II& III B.Tech.II Sem(R-20)II-Mid Examinations Timetable-May-2024

I,II,III and IV B.Tech.II Sem Supple.(R-17)Examinations Timetable-April-2024

Note: For III and IV B.Tech II SEM (R-17)End Examinations starts @ 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Revaluation of III B.Tech. I Semester Regular& Supple.(R-20),IV B.Tech.I Semester Regular(R-20)Marks-April-2024

I B.Tech II SEM(R-23)I-Mid Examinations Timetable-April-2024

I B.Tech and II,III,IV B.Tech II SEM(R-13)Supple End Examinations Timetable-March-2024
I,II,III&IV B.Tech.IISem(R-17)Fee Notification-April-2024

II,III B.Tech.IISem(R-20)I-Mid Examinations Timetable-March-2024

I&II,III,IV B.Tech II-Sem(R-13)Supple Fee Notification-March-2024

I,II & III II-Sem(R-19)Supple End Examinations Timetable-February-2024
I,II& III B.Tech II-Sem(R-20)Supple End Examinations Timetable-February-2024

Note: For III B.Tech II SEM (R-19,R-20)End Examinations starts @ 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

I B.Tech I-Sem(R-23)Regular End Examinations Timetable-January-2024
I B.Tech I-Sem(R-20)Supple End Examinations Timetable-January-2024
I,II,III & IV B.Tech I-Sem(R-19)Supple End Examinations Timetable-January-2024

Note: For III & IV B.Tech I SEM (R-19)End Examinations starts @ 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

I,II & III B.Tech II-Sem(R-19 & R-20)Suple Fee Notification-February-2024

I B.Tech I-Sem(R-23) Regular Fee Notification-January-2024
I B.Tech I-Sem(R-20) Supple Fee Notification-January-2024
I,III,III & IV B.Tech I-Sem(R-19) Supple Fee Notification-January-2024

I B.Tech I-Sem(R-23) II MID Examinations Timetable January-2024

II,III & IV B.Tech I-Sem Regular & Supple(R-20)End Examinations Timetable December-2023
I,II,III & IV B.Tech I-Sem Supple(R-17)End Examinations Timetable December-2023
II,III & IV B.Tech I-Sem Supple(R-13)End Examinations Timetable December-2023

Note: For I & IV B.Tech End Examinations starts @ 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

II B.Tech.I-Sem(R-20)II-Mid-term Examinations Timetable-December-2023
III B.Tech.I-Sem(R-20)II-Mid-term Examinations Timetable-December-2023
IV B.Tech.I-Sem(R-20)II-Mid-term Examinations Timetable-December-2023

II,III & IV B.Tech I-Sem Supple(R-13)Fee Notification December-2023
I,II,III & IV B.Tech I-Sem Supple(R-17)Fee Notification December-2023

M.Tech. Project Fee Notification November-2023
II B.Tech.I-SEM(R-20)I-MID Examinations Timetable-October-2023
III&IV B.Tech.I-SEM(R-20)I-MID Examinations Timetable-October-2023
I-B.Tech.I Semester(R-19 & R-20)Supplementary End Examinations Timetable-August-2023

Note: For I B.Tech Examinations starts @ 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

II-B.Tech.I Semester(R-19 & R-20)Supplementary End Examinations Timetable-August-2023
III-B.Tech.I Semester(R-19 & R-20)Supplementary End Examinations Timetable-August-2023
M.Tech. II Semester Supplementary End Examinations Timetable-August-2023
I,II & III B.Tech. I Semester (R-19 & R-20) Supple. End Examinations Fee Notification-August-2023
II B.Tech II SEM(R-20) Regular & Supple End Examinations rescheduled Timetable-July-2023
II B.Tech. II Semester(R-19) Supplementary End Examinations Timetable-August-2023
III B.Tech. II Semester Supplementary (R-19) End Examinations Timetable-August-2023
I B.Tech. II Semester(R-19) Supplementary End Examinations Timetable-August-2023
I & III B.Tech. II Semester(R-20) End Examinations rescheduled Timetable-July-2023
I B.Tech II SEM(R-20) Regular & Supple End Examinations Timetable-July-2023
I,II & III B.Tech II SEM(R-19)Supple Fee notification-August-2023
M.Tech II SEM Supple Fee Notification-August-2023
II B.Tech II SEM(R-20) Regular and Supple End Examinations Timetable-July-2023
III B.Tech II SEM(R-20)Regular End Examinations Timetable-July-2023
IV B.Tech I & II SEM(R-19) Advanced Supple End Examinations Timetable-July-2023
I B.Tech II SEM(R-20) II MID Examinations Timetable-July-2023
I B.Tech II SEM(R-20) End Exam Fee Notification-July-2023
II B.Tech II SEM(R-20) Regular and Supple Examination Fee Notification-July-2023
III B.Tech II SEM(R-20)Regular Examination Fee Notification-July-2023
IV B.Tech I & II SEM(R-19)Supple Examination Fee notification-July-2023
II B.Tech II SEM(R-20) II MID Examinations Timetable-July-2023
III B.Tech II SEM(R-20) II MID Examinations Timetable-July-2023
I,II,III&IV B.Tech II SEM(R-13) Supple Fee Notification-June-2023
I,II,III&IV B.Tech II SEM(R-17) Supple Fee Notification-June-2023
I,II,III&IV B.Tech II SEM(R-17) Supple Examination Time table-June-2023
I,II,III&IV B.Tech II SEM(R-13) Supple Examination Time table-June-2023
II B.Tech.II-Sem(R-20) I-Mid Examinations Timetable-May-2023
III B.Tech II-Sem(R-20) I-Mid Examinations Timetable-May-2023
I B.Tech II-Sem(R-20) I-Mid Examinations Timetable-May-2023
Consolidated Grade Sheet & Provisional Certificate(2019-2023)
IV B.Tech II-Sem I & II MID Timetable-April-2023
IV B.Tech II-Sem Regular(R-19)Examination Fee Notification-April-2023
IV B.Tech II-Sem Regular(R-19)End Examinations Timetable-April-2023
M.Tech.I-Sem Supple.End Examinations Timetable-April-2023
I,II & III B.Tech II-Sem Supple(R-19)End Examinations Timetable-March-2023
I&II B.Tech II-Sem Supple(R-20)End Examinations Timetable-March-2023
M.Tech.I Semester Supplementary Fee Notification-April-2023
II,III&IV B.Tech I-Sem Supple(R-13) End Examinations Timetable-March-2023
I B.Tech I-Sem (R-19) Supple Fee Notification-February-2023
I,II,III & IV B.Tech I-Sem Supple(R-17)End Examinations Timetable-February-2023
I B.Tech I-Sem Regular & Supple(R-20 & R-19)End Examinations Timetable-February-2023
I,II & III B.Tech II-Sem Supple(R-19)Fee Notification-March-2023
I&II B.Tech II-Sem Supple(R-20)Fee Notification-March-2023
II B.Tech I-Sem(R-20 & R-19) Regular & Supple End Examinations Timetable-January-2023
I B.Tech I-Sem II MID Examinations Timetable-February-2023
I,II,III & IV B.Tech I-Sem(R-17)Supple Fee Notification-February-2023
I B.Tech I-Sem (R-20) Regular & Supple Fee Notification-February-2023
III B.Tech I-Sem(R-20 & R-19) Regular & Supple End Examinations Timetable-January-2023
II&III B.Tech I-Sem II-MID(R-20)Examinations Timetable-January-2023