N.B.K.R. IST(Autonomous)



Affiliated to JNTUA,Ananthapuramu, NAAC Accreditation with 'A' Grade, Accredited by NBA,"A"Grade Engineering College Recognized by AP Govt


CSI - Innovative and Ground Breaking Frontier of the IT Industry

Formed in 1965, the CSI has been instrumental in guiding INDIA’s IT Industry for more than 50 Years lightning fast years down the right path since its formative years. Today the CSI has 72 chapters all over India, 511 Student Branches and more than 100000 members including India’s most famous IT Industry, Brilliant Scientists and Dedicated Academicians.

The Mission  

The mission of CSI is to facilitate research, knowledge sharing, learning and career enhancement for all categories of IT professionals, while simultaneously inspiring and nurturing new entrants into the industry and helping them to integrate into the IT Community. The CSI is also working closely with other industry associations, government bodies and academia to ensure that the benefits of IT advancement ultimately percolate down to every single citizen of India, the main aim of Digital India Initiative of Sri. Narendra Modi too.

CSI Chapters  

A Chapter of the Society is a group of members in a particular locality or city. The Chapters play a major role in achieving the objectives of the Society. It has direct links with the members. For the benefit of members, the Chapter organize monthly technical meetings, product presentations, exhibitions, film and video shows.

The Chapters also host Regional, Divisional, National, International events along with sponsoring agencies. The Chapter activities are managed by a Committee of elected members headed by the Chairman. The Chairman is assisted by the Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The committee has eight members each one taking care of the activities relating to the divisions of the Society.

The Chapter elections are conducted by the Chapter Nominations Committee consisting of a Chairman and two members who are also elected by the Chapter members. India being a large country, the members spread across the country in about 72 Chapters.

CSI - The Beginning
The NBKRIST-CSI (Computer Society of India) Student Branch was initiated by Department of Computer Science and Engineering on 06.01.2015, which was approved and encouraged by Director and Management immediately. CSI Student Branch of NBKRIST is very much thankful to our Correspondent Shri N.Ramkumar, Chairman Late Dr.I.Gopala Reddy and Director Dr.V.Vijayakumar Reddy for their continuous support.
What is it today?

With an overwhelming response 240 student members enrolled as CSI Student Members from the department of CSE and CSI Student Branch was established on 16th April 2015. Along with this achievement NBKRIST became the prestigious Institutional member of CSI on the same date with Membership number M10069. CSI students members as on (2018-19):515

CSI - Office Bearers
Mr. M.Siva Pratap Reddy, Asst. Prof.CSI Student Branch Counselor.,Assistant Professor
Mr P.Nagendra, Asst. Prof.Faculty Coordinator CSI Student Branch
Mr K.Penchalaiah, Asst. Prof.Faculty Coordinator CSI Student Branch
CSI – Student Branch Advisory Committee

Prof. M.Nataraja Suresh, Professor, CSE
Dr.A.Rajasekhar Reddy, Professor, CSE
Mr.D.Srinivasa Rao, Assoc. Prof, CSE
Mr.T.V. Mahendra, Assoc. Prof, CSE

CSI – Student Branch Technical Support Wing

Mr. V.SaiCharan, Asst. Prof. CSE

Office Bearers for the Academic Year(2020-21)

Mr.N.Tarun Sundar III YEAR CSE(17KB1A05A7).Student President of CSI-SB
Ms. T Sai Keerthana,II YEAR CSE(18KB1A05C8). Student Vice-President of CSI-SB
Mr.E.Akhil Kumar,I YEAR CSE(19KB1A0544).Student Treasurer of CSI-SB
Office Bearers for the Academic Year(2019-20)

Ms.K.V.L.Anupama,IV year CSE(16KB1A0565).Student President of CSI-SB
Mr.T.Sai Krishna,III YEAR CSE(17KB1A05D7). Student Vice-President of CSI-SB
Mr.P.Chandu,II year CSE(18KB1A05B3).Student Treasurer of CSI-SB
Office Bearers for the Academic Year(2018-19)

Mr.C.Balaji,IV year CSE(15KB1A0518).Student President of CSI-SB
Ms.K.Lakshmi,III YEAR CSE(16KB1A0559). Student Vice-President of CSI-SB
Mr.B.Sumanth Reddy,II year CSE(17KB1A0519).Student Treasurer of CSI-SB

Office Bearers for the Academic Year(2017-18)

Ms.S. Sandhya,IV year CSE(14KB1A0581).Student President of CSI-SB
Ms.R.Mayuri, III YEAR CSE(15KB1A0570). Student Vice-President of CSI-SB
Mr.Shaik Althaf,II year CSE(16KB1A05D7).Student Treasurer of CSI-SB

Office Bearers for the Academic Year(2016-17)

Mr.K. Sai Srikar,IV year CSE(13KB1A0542).Student President of CSI-SB
Ms.B.Swathi, III YEAR CSE(14KB1A0511). Student Vice-President of CSI-SB
Ms.D.Nishitha,II year CSE(15KB1A0524).Student Treasurer of CSI-SB

Office Bearers for the Academic Year(2015-16)

Mr.G.Madhan Gopal Reddy,IV year CSE(12AAU06024).Student President of CSI-SB
Ms.M.Keerthi, III YEAR CSE(13KB1A0550). Student Vice-President of CSI-SB
Mr.B.Naveen Kumar Reddy,II year CSE(14KB1A0515).Student Treasurer of CSI-SB




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